Stop Teaching People How to Suffer in Silence!

MB Haven
6 min readOct 6, 2023

Anyone with a grasp of the political and economic systems understands that poverty isn’t always your fault. Anyone who has a deeper understanding of history and human nature knows that some things are preventable. And those who are telling you to adjust your life to the mistakes they have made need to stop.

Mindful spending
You can’t mindful spend your way out of abject poverty with the cost of living rising every day!

Stop Teaching Mindful Spending

One thing I hate is someone telling me to do without while they are wearing a suit my taxes have paid for. Why must I suffer because you have mismanaged public funds? Why must I save money when I am the reason your business exists?

Instead of fixing the economic system that robs people of their homes, you teach me mindful spending so I can afford to go to work and pay my bills while not having any sort of life. Instead of telling me to keep an expensive wedding and buy a house, I may lose in a court battle, you should be teaching me how to manage my taxes in school and basic life skills. Stop giving me life hacks for a life that should not be this complicated!

I’m not bashing the poor helpful souls who teach mindful spending.

After all, they too are doing their best to survive and have no doubt learned these hacks from their own frugal lifestyle. But that doesn’t mean we all should accept a society where one group has to scrap together a living while another group gets to suck us dry for our labor and resources. We need to stop suffering in silence and accept these arbitrary systems.

Sleeping in your car
This may look good on Youtube, but won’t feel good in real life.

Stop Teaching Living in Your Car Hacks

Are we in the last days?

Then why the hell are more and more people living in their vehicles as if it's a flex. “Oh look at me, I can’t afford a house, but look how cute I can make my car look while I wash my ass in a gas station sink!” Desperate times may call for desperate measures but when you helpfully share these hacks online, you are telling the powers that be, “See how I can survive on the little you give me.

Then in their greedy minds, they figure that all of us can live like that. So we don’t need to own homes or get a pay raise or tax break. We can obviously live in the cars that take us to work and sleep in the parking garage so we can be there extra early!

As helpful as those hacks may be to those who have lost their homes through fire, eviction, or some other natural disaster, it should not be the acceptable new norm of living! And people who teach these hacks need to point out that they are only meant to be temporary and not a full-scale lifestyle switch. There should be systems in place to provide clean, secure temporary housing to citizens in need.

Medium post graphic Oct 2023
Yes, this blog post is a rant!

Stop Teaching People How to Suffer in Silence

It’s high time as global citizens we stop accepting the lip service that passes for governance in most of our countries. We should stop paying taxes to people who are making our lives worse. We need to stop suffering in silence while they strengthen the laws and systems that keep them and their family and friends rich and in office.

We need to stop fighting amongst ourselves about who is the better old man to vote for and vote to remove all corrupt and inactive leaders until our demands are met. And these are just politicians. We need to remove some church leaders, community leaders, CEOs, and different department, state, and governing heads who are not creating laws or systems that work in favor of all people.

Instead of teaching one another how to survive in the current corrupt systems we should start uprooting these diseased plans and start rewriting new laws. We don’t need to be kind and peaceful while we suffer in silence. We can start small and make bigger changes so that the next generation doesn’t have to suffer as we do.

Have you noticed that fewer people are fighting for universal causes anymore?

Start Teaching How to Protest and Problem Solve

Do you know why the educational practices in most countries are always outdated? And why the history or social studies texts are always being dumbed down? Because a people who know their history is never lost.

Knowledge is never wasted.

Yet in the education systems of many countries, it is doing just that. Our current education systems are designed to teach fish to fly and birds to swim and when they find one or two that can achieve that unnatural task, they call it a success. Then again you can’t control people who know how to use their own natural gifts.

And that is the first thing the education system does. It removes any sense of individuality and gets you into group mind thinking. Which isn’t a bad thing until they indoctrinate what the group is allowed to think about. This reduces the possibility of group protests against the norm and problem-solving.

This is why if you find another way to solve a math problem other than the method they teach you, you are marked wrong. They don’t want you to think outside the box. They don’t want collective thinking that is against what they teach. So instead of lifestyle hacks, start teaching problem-solving and peaceful protest organization that eliminates the first societal issue of wasted and misused knowledge.

Negotiate the price of a home
You can negotiate the price of a home, car, or even in some retail stores.

Start Teaching How to Negotiate and Critically Think

Few teachers leave room for negotiation when correcting your paper or even allow you to discuss open viewpoints in class. After all, in life there will be little room for negotiation, right? Why do we all have to pay for a college degree to get access to the fine art of negotiation?

Critical thinking and negotiation skills go hand in hand both are not being taught. Unless you had a conscientious parent who made an effort to teach you how to think critically and negotiate, you would be struggling in most workspaces and in everyday life. Critical thinking and negotiation can be taught as early as preschool to develop habits of not accepting the status quo and seeking better results and opportunities.

Helping children to learn how to critically think from a young age makes them more adaptable and makes it easier for them to solve problems. Negotiation is a life skill that can be applied daily and teaching young children how to reason, argue, and handle issues with positivity and logic will create more capable adults.

Global Change Wishlist
Comment your wish list for global change.

Start Teaching How to Live a Better Life

It is actually in everyone’s best interest to raise better and higher-functioning adults. Well…maybe not everyone. After all, it's hard to exploit an educated populace that knows how to survive without you. Our systems are designed to keep us dependent on the system while we fight amongst ourselves and ignore those who benefit from this system.

No leader who is benefiting from the status quo would be willing to make the key changes that will improve the standard of living for all. So all of us have to demand our rights to a better life and help one another attain it. We need to start teaching one another how to live a better life.

We can do this by teaching more people how to take advantage of gaps in the system, and how to live without centralized banking systems and government control. How to vote by policy, enforcement, and economics and not be blinded by unrealistic and empty promises. We need to stop stepping on each other on our road to a better life and actually help one another live well in this increasingly difficult world.



MB Haven

In 2016, I decided to turn my life around. So while I was pursuing my BSc, I started searching for jobs in my new field of Marketing and discovered a lifestyle!