Why I Will Never Tell You to Quit Your Job

MB Haven mbhaveninc.com
5 min readFeb 14, 2024

As an advocate of the digital lifestyle, you may think that I would naturally encourage people to quit their jobs and try out the digital life. However, I also add the caveat; if it’s right for you. The reason is that I am not you and I don’t know you well enough to truly know if the digital lifestyle is right for you.

Quit Your Job
Now who’s paying your bills? Not me!

How Irresponsible Is It To Tell Someone To Quit Their Job?

I’m sure many entrepreneurs think they are helping when they show you how to make money online and then tease you with the idea of quitting your day job. The problem with them telling you to quit your job is that they are telling you based on their experiences and not yours. Sure a lot of jobs suck and bosses are awful but that does not mean you should automatically quit your job.

Here’s why it’s irresponsible to tell people to quit their jobs.

Your Life is Not Theirs

Just because this lifestyle works for you does not mean it will make someone else happy. Some people are perfectly happy working in their 9–5 job and to sell them a pipe dream is highly irresponsible. Not to mention that sometimes their social circle revolves around that job and quitting could make them alienate friends and family. (As in the case of family-built businesses and friendship hires)

Their Capabilities Are Not Yours

You may have made thousands as an affiliate marketer and that is great but it doesn’t mean that everyone is capable of doing that. It is irresponsible to tell someone to follow in your footsteps without understanding their capabilities and limitations. Not to mention, their actual capabilities may exceed yours in other fields as in the case of doctors and scientists.

They Are Not You

You may share similar lifestyles and values but that does not mean you are the same in mind. What goes on in someone’s head is unique to them and their experiences and it can affect their decisions, goals, and motivations. It is irresponsible to tell someone to quit when their mind and emotions might not be stable enough to handle the pressures of entrepreneurship.

The only thing you should be quitting is a bad habit or addiction.

When you tell someone to quit their job, you are doing so based on the assumption that they know what they want and what they are capable of. However, that is not always the case. Often people are lost and unsure of what direction to take in life and you may seem like a sign from God when in fact, you may just be a sign from the internet.

AI and the digital lifestyle
AI has made the digital lifestyle easier, but can you use it?

Why I Will Never Tell You to Quit Your Job?

Aside from it being irresponsible, it’s also a waste of both our time. Why should I waste my time getting someone to quit their job and follow me when this is not the direction they should be taking in life? So they can turn around one day and realize they are not happy and wish they hadn’t met me?

To me, embracing the digital lifestyle means you want to make drastic changes in your life. It means you want to create a life where work is optional and you can be free to pursue your passions and interests. If you currently have a job that already does this for you then why quit?

However, if you want to earn money online, you need to decide if you are doing it to replace your job or supplement your income. The difference in this choice is huge and many people make the mistake of pursuing part-time income and expecting it to replace their full-time income. When you do decide to quit, make sure you are doing it for the right reasons and not because someone else told you it was the right thing to do.

Why I Will Never Tell You To Quit

How to Decide if the Digital Lifestyle is Right for You?

The decision to make any drastic change in your life is a personal one. When you decide to try out the digital lifestyle, you should do so with a clear understanding of its potential benefits and drawbacks. As noted before there are many ways to pursue the digital lifestyle.

  • Work from home
  • Freelancer
  • Digital Entrepreneur
  • Earn Money Online
  • Investing

Work-from-home and earning money online are the easiest ways to pursue the digital lifestyle. This is because they require the least amount of upfront investments and they are easier to get started. Earning money online simply involves any work/task for money scheme like filling out surveys, watching videos, and completing offers. It is not meant to replace your job as work-from-home jobs do so they should not be relied on if you intend to quit.

Being a freelancer affords you more choice, freedom, and flexibility, but provides little job security and stability. It can be difficult to make a living by freelancing without any prior experience or skills. However, done correctly it can be very lucrative and even become a business.

Speaking of entrepreneurship, it is the most risky but highly lucrative avenue to wealth online. There are multiple ways to become an entrepreneur, including investing in startup or franchise opportunities. Becoming an entrepreneur is a long-term commitment as it requires you to invest time, money, and energy into a business idea that may not succeed.

However, if you are serious about building a digital lifestyle, you should follow MB HAVEN.



MB Haven mbhaveninc.com

In 2016, I decided to turn my life around. So while I was pursuing my BSc, I started searching for jobs in my new field of Marketing and discovered a lifestyle!