Why Is Gen Z So Fed Up With Gen X?

MB Haven mbhaveninc.com
5 min readJun 26, 2024


To be honest we all are.

As a Millenial watching the war between Gen Z and Gen X I do not find it funny in the slightest. And if you are a Milleneal that does, you are part of the problem as well. After all this is basically a war between parents and their kids. Since when do parents don’t care about their kids legitimate concerns?

Generation X

What Has Gen X Contributed

Then again, Gen X is know for the generation that don’t want to be grandparents and delayed having kids. They don’t want to be free babysitters and face elder abuse and those real issues. However, what have they done for the next generation that warrants that type of opinion?

Being called the latch-key generation brings about a whole lot of independence and responsibility at a very young age. With this came a period of rebelliousness and apathy which led to innovation and creativity. Gen X ushered in the gaming revolution, rap, hip-hop, and the internet.

Today many of our innovative leaders and disruptors like Jeff Bezos. JJ Abrams. and Elon Musk are Gen X’s. Despite not having Gen Y and Boomer numbers, Gen X is currently positions of authoritative power and financial stability given to them by their high education levels and insane work ethics. However, that also comes with some psychological drawbacks.

Stats by Generation

Boomers’ Impact on Gen X

As you can see from the erratic behaviour of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, all is not right in the Gen X world. Their drive to rebel and make changes are often driven by child-like desires to get attention or seek validation. Despite Gen Z reporting the highest levels of mental issues, religion driven Gen X comes in a close second even with the one of the lowest reporting rates of mental illness.

All that independence, responsibility and robot-like work ethic is not a good thing.

You see Boomers inherited a stable economic system with oil and baby booms driving the capitalist system. And while they had unstable marriages with both parents working and little supervision for their Gen X kids, it meant they weren’t the best parents in the world.

Thats why Gen X will often placate their childhood trauma with terms like, ‘I turned out just fine.’ or, ‘I survived.’ (FYI you’re not supposed to survive your childhood.) Now, many are trying to find their lost childhood by shirking any form responsibility. Today you’ll often find Gen Xs relaxing in their homes, vacationing or minding their own business.

Gen X’s Views on Gen Z

Unless spoken to, Gen X doesn’t seem to have any opinions on any generation. This apathy towards anything that doesn’t concern them comes from their enforced self sufficient nature that doesn’t leave time to dwell on the problems of others. In a way, they’ve become the missing generation that everyone forget exists until you hear one speak.

Gen X has two moods.

Either they don’t care or they go after everything with swords drawn. There is no inbetween. This drastic mood change makes it hard to discern where they’ll stand on any particular issue on any day. But one thing you can guarantee is that whatever the outcome of the issue it must be worth the effort for them to get off the couch.

Its also why Gen X’s are either seen as motivated leaders and workaholics or as lazy bums. Strangely, Gen Z mirrors Gen X’s mood almost perfectly with their nonchalant attitude towards everything until its time to start fighting. Which is why Gen X sometimes gets their shits and giggles from watching their grandkids act up.

Why is Gen Z So Fed Up With Gen X

Why Gen Z is so Fed Up With Gen X

You ruined everything you stupid bitch! (At least Gen Z believes this.)

Technically, Gen Z didn’t ruin everything, but they didn’t help save anything either. To top it off they didn’t spend anytime chatting with their Gen Z kids and grandkids and that lack of connection is probably the biggest reason for the rift between the generations. After all, millennials have fond memories of the times at grandma’s house, something both Gen X and Gen Z can’t relate to.

What makes the distance between the generation wider is the fact Gen X aren’t known for expressing their feelings while Gen Z is all about their vibes. Gen X has been taught or perhaps forced to bury any type of unwarrented emotion that doesn’t solve anything. And while that attitude works for slaves and robots, it’s not so good if you have to relate to other people.

Add to the fact that Gen Z is aiming to start revolutions just like their Gen X counterparts, perhaps they are highly disappointed that Gen X seems to have choosen to sit on the fence instead of showing off their rebel nature. Perhaps this is also the reason Gen Z’s are poking the bear online as it were to wake them up so they could give a shit about something. Instead, Gen X has mocked their emotional outbursts and left them to solve the issue themselves because after all when they were in their shoes no one help them either.

If you go back to the 80’s Gen Z posters would also look like this

What Could Happen if This Divide Continues

It will be a sure win for Gen X because they would get what they want either way. Gen Z would either solve their problems without them and/or leave them alone. Once it means no more added responsibility for Gen X, its a win.

You may be wondering why don’t Gen Z ask Millennials for help?

For one, Millennials are more burnt out and stressed out that any previous generation. Including the ones that killed themselves during the stock market crash. (Plus they’re raising Gen Z and Alpha. That alone is a nightmare.) Two, Milleneals are doing their best, but they are not generally rebellious by nature. Millennials tend to be more passive-aggressive in their actions and prefer harmony to discord. Definitely not build for open warfare.

Given the rising amount of issues Gen Z has to tackle on a daily basis and with little to no hope for a better future, they need allies for a last stand. Once they’ve come to the realization that they’re alone in this like Gen Z, they’ll probably opt to do the same thing Gen Z did. Let it go to hell and hope those old bastards die before they put them in crap nursing homes.


McKenna, A. (2024, June 25). Generation X. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Generation-X



MB Haven mbhaveninc.com
MB Haven mbhaveninc.com

Written by MB Haven mbhaveninc.com

In 2016, I decided to turn my life around. So while I was pursuing my BSc, I started searching for jobs in my new field of Marketing and discovered a lifestyle!

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